Pass tf, namespace & params in one node argument

asked 2022-02-27 05:12:04 -0500

dieteralfons gravatar image

updated 2022-02-27 05:12:31 -0500

Hey everyone,

is there a way to pass the information for tf, namespace and a params file within one Node argument. Right now i try it as followed, but the node only gets the rules to use the namespace and the remapping, but not the params of the params file. When i only pass the param file without remapping and namespace, it works.

  NodeOptions.arguments({"--ros-args", "-r", std::string("__ns:=/")+nodeNamespace,
                 "-r", std::string("/tf:=/")+nodeNamespace+std::string("/tf"), 
                 "-r",  std::string("/tf_static:=/")+nodeNamespace+std::string("/tf_static"),
                 "--params-file", "path_to_params.yaml","--"});

Can anybody help me with this? Thanks

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