Robot semantic description not found

asked 2022-02-18 10:10:43 -0500

bingbing gravatar image

updated 2022-02-18 10:11:36 -0500

I am trying to use the franka_ros example on the real robot, when I set load_gripper:=true in the command, this error appears.

Robot semantic description not found. Did you forget to define or remap '/robot_description_semantic'?

It is the same case in the simulation. Anyone knows how to solve it? The command used is:

roslaunch franka_example_controllers cartesian_impedance_example_controller.launch load_gripper:=true robot_ip:=xxx.xx.xx.xx

Below is the log:

[INFO] [1645199544.386811]: Controller Spawner: Waiting for service controller_manager/switch_controller
[INFO] [1645199544.392301]: Controller Spawner: Waiting for service controller_manager/unload_controller
[INFO] [1645199544.398279]: Loading controller: cartesian_impedance_example_controller
[INFO] [1645199544.426001]: Controller Spawner: Loaded controllers: cartesian_impedance_example_controller
[ INFO] [1645199544.429392637]: FrankaHW: Prepared switching controllers to joint_torque with parameters limit_rate=1, cutoff_frequency=100, internal_controller=joint_impedance
[INFO] [1645199544.429892]: Started controllers: cartesian_impedance_example_controller
[ WARN] [1645199546.232833054]: Interactive marker 'equilibrium_pose' contains unnormalized quaternions. This warning will only be output once but may be true for others; enable DEBUG messages for ros.rviz.quaternions to see more details.
[ WARN] [1645199549.225468259]: FrankaHW: 
    panda_joint6: 2.789575 degrees to joint limits (limits: [-0.017500, 3.752500] q: 3.703813) 
[ WARN] [1645199554.226301186]: FrankaHW: 
    panda_joint6: 2.790384 degrees to joint limits (limits: [-0.017500, 3.752500] q: 3.703799) 
[ WARN] [1645199559.227147793]: FrankaHW: 
    panda_joint6: 2.949770 degrees to joint limits (limits: [-0.017500, 3.752500] q: 3.701017) 
[ WARN] [1645199564.228065359]: FrankaHW: 
    panda_joint6: 2.948678 degrees to joint limits (limits: [-0.017500, 3.752500] q: 3.701036) 
[ WARN] [1645199569.228994036]: FrankaHW: 
    panda_joint6: 2.948637 degrees to joint limits (limits: [-0.017500, 3.752500] q: 3.701037) 
[ WARN] [1645199574.229878952]: FrankaHW: 
    panda_joint6: 2.948677 degrees to joint limits (limits: [-0.017500, 3.752500] q: 3.701036) 
[ WARN] [1645199579.230044690]: FrankaHW: 
    panda_joint6: 2.948724 degrees to joint limits (limits: [-0.017500, 3.752500] q: 3.701035) 
[ WARN] [1645199584.230665904]: FrankaHW: 
    panda_joint6: 2.948677 degrees to joint limits (limits: [-0.017500, 3.752500] q: 3.701036) 
[ERROR] [1645199587.170615294]: Robot semantic description not found. Did you forget to define or remap '/robot_description_semantic'?
[ INFO] [1645199587.170700582]: Loading robot model 'panda'...
[ INFO] [1645199587.170717399]: No root/virtual joint specified in SRDF. Assuming fixed joint
[ WARN] [1645199587.170795688]: Link panda_leftfinger has visual geometry but no collision geometry. Collision geometry will be left empty. Fix your URDF file by explicitly specifying collision geometry.
[ WARN] [1645199587.170857955]: Link panda_rightfinger has visual geometry but no collision geometry. Collision geometry will be left empty. Fix your URDF file by explicitly specifying collision geometry.
[ WARN] [1645199589.231595345]: FrankaHW: 
    panda_joint6: 2.948677 degrees to joint limits (limits: [-0.017500, 3.752500] q: 3.701036) 
[ERROR] [1645199625.142511178]: Robot semantic description not found. Did you forget to define or remap '/robot_description_semantic'?
[ INFO] [1645199625.142577611]: Loading robot model 'panda'...
[ INFO] [1645199625.142612674]: No root/virtual joint specified in SRDF. Assuming fixed joint
[ WARN] [1645199625.142735127]: Link panda_leftfinger has visual geometry but no collision geometry. Collision geometry will be left empty. Fix your URDF file by explicitly specifying collision geometry.
[ WARN] [1645199625.142770260]: Link panda_rightfinger has visual geometry but no collision geometry. Collision geometry will be left ...
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