One Lidar measurement is wrong

asked 2022-02-15 03:53:33 -0500

Roshan gravatar image

Hello, I have a physical LDS-01 LiDAR on a TB3 Waffle Pi, and it seems like one of the measurements on it is wrong. Consider this scan data:

ranges: [0.6850000023841858, 0.6869999766349792, 0.6850000023841858, 0.6859999895095825, 0.6859999895095825, 0.6850000023841858, 0.0, .... 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.6949999928474426, 0.6949999928474426, 0.753000020980835, 0.6919999718666077, 0.6919999718666077, 0.6909999847412109, 0.6930000185966492, 0.6909999847412109, 0.6919999718666077, 0.6949999928474426]

The LiDAR is measuring a distance of around 0.69, but there is one measurement in there that is far off and is on 0.75. Have tried cleaning the LiDAR sensor but it is still giving the same result. Wondering what could be the problem.

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