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How are Goals Used in Move_Base?

I'm trying to get a better understanding of how MoveBase uses goals it receives from /movebase_simple/goal.

Looking at the code, I know that if I publish something to /movebasesimple/goal, it will use the callback function MoveBase::goalCB. Look into goalCB, I see that it serializes the message from /movebasesimple/goal into a MoveBaseActionGoal, and publishes it to the topic movebase/goal. When I do a "ros topic info movebase/goal", I see that the only node that subscribes to that topic is movebase, indicating that somewhere in movebase I should find that topic being subscribed to and used. That said, I don't see any place in movebase that subscribes to the topic "movebase/goal" of type MoveBaseActionGoal.

What is going on with the goal here? Where does it get read and processed to get sent to the global planner?

Asked by cmcheung on 2022-02-14 17:06:29 UTC



Isn't the code there:

what are you expecting?

You can read more about the actions from actionlib used there with the MoveBaseActionGoal and /move_base_simple. For sure you have seen it already, but this tutorial: can be helpful too.

These slides were nice introduction to understanding ROS Navigation for me, maybe it will help someone later too:

Asked by ljaniec on 2022-02-14 19:31:25 UTC
