BUG: Got a second transition to DONE
When i am sending the move base goal from my ros node. Sometime i'm getting this error message. Can anyone tell me what this bug means and what is causing it?
ROS_INFO("cognition: Sending move_base/clear_costmaps request!");
std_srvs::Empty srv;
bool clear_costmap = clear_costmap_client.call(srv);
if (clear_costmap)
ROS_INFO("cognition: move_base/clear_costmaps done!");
retry_count = 0;
ROS_ERROR("cognition: Failed to call service move_base/clear_costmaps");
void publishMoveBaseGoal(const geometry_msgs::Pose pose) {
goal.target_pose.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
goal.target_pose.pose = pose;
boost::bind(&Cognition::doneMoveBaseCb, this, _1, _2),
ROS_INFO("cognition: move_base goal sent for %d time", retry_count);
EXE_MISSION = false;
Looks like this is the actual line that's getting called from. That's the actionlib client, so it's probably something to do with how you're calling the move_base goal.