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Node that monitors all other nodes


I want to create a node (or a simple script) that monitors all my other nodes and warns me if a node is not receiving/sending data.

My current problem is that sometimes a subscriber node does not receive data due to network/connection problems. Because I have so many nodes running, I want to create a monitor node that simply warns me if something is wrong (maybe by checking the frequency of messages being received?).

How can I do this?


Asked by nayan on 2022-01-12 02:14:28 UTC



There are some CLI tools for checking topic statistics (i.e. this post), next to it is rosmon with it's nice UI and some node monitoring options. Nothing fully automated with warnings etc., I think.

I am not aware of a monitor node in ROS, if you find any better tool for it, please add it in the question/in the comments.

Asked by ljaniec on 2022-01-12 03:50:51 UTC
