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Admittance control of UR5 robot with jog_arm package

I know how to use jog arm package (Realtime Arm Servoing) well.

And I've got a force/torch sensor. May I please ask how I can achieve admittance control of UR5 robot with jog_arm package?

I know I can use the force/torch signals to direct control the the linear velocity and angular velocity of the UR5 robot. But how about the coefficient between force and velocity? Do I need to programe my own admittance controller in c++ or python? Is there ready to use ROS package to do it? Thanks a lot. Cheers.

Asked by stevensu1838 on 2022-01-05 06:01:35 UTC


Hi @stenvsu1838 have you seen Ridgeback+Ur5 Controller package? It includes admittance control. Also refer to this discussion on the subject: Hopefully this gets you closer to a solution.

Asked by osilva on 2022-01-07 16:06:08 UTC


Cross-posted in several places already. I answered here:

Asked by AndyZe on 2022-01-10 09:40:31 UTC
