Error in rosserial communication between Jetson Nano and STM32 Discovery board
I am not sure if this is the right place to post this question, so let me know the relevance.
Device: Nvidia Jetson Nano and STM32 Discovery board F407VG Package: rosserial_stm32
1. Lost sync with device, restarting..
2. Unable to sync with device; possible link problem or link software version mismatch such as hydro rosserial_python with groovy Arduino
I have been trying to setup rosserial between my jetson and stm32 board. I followed the steps given on the package's website and set USART2 on stm32 for communication and using J41 UART pins on my Jetson. I then run
on /dev/ttyTHS1
. But I am getting the two errors mentioned above. I have checked all my connections, I have verified that the baud rates match and I have also verified that I am calling nh.spinOnce()
Some Details (if it helps):
On running debugger on stm, I noticed that in nh.spinOnce()
function, there is a call to
which returned -1
everytime causing the while loop in the spinOnce function to break at the start itself. This makes me wonder if the issue is from STM side or Jetson side.
Please let me know if the question is relevant for ROS Answers, and if not let me know where should I post it.
Asked by omkar_a_k on 2022-01-01 05:29:42 UTC
If the error happens without the running jetzt, then it ist thin it is more the problem of your stm Code. If you Provider an Exemplar we can may help you
You may watch msy thid help
Asked by duck-development on 2022-01-01 05:57:09 UTC