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Hector mapping - no occupancy grid


I've setup a kinect camera, and trying to do some SLAM with it. After getting everything running, hector mapping is not creating an occupancy map. When I look at /map it is all "-1".

Here's basically how I am launching everything:

roslaunch freenect_launch freenect.launch depth_registration:=true 
rosrun tf static_transform_publisher  0 0 0 0 0 0  base_link camera_depth_frame 50
rosrun depthimage_to_laserscan depthimage_to_laserscan image:=/camera/depth_registered/image cama_info:=/camera/depth_registered/camera_info

rosrun hector_mapping hector_mapping  \
        _base_frame:=base_link \
        _odom_frame:=base_link \
        _map_resolution:=0.025 \
        _map_update_interval:=1 \
        _map_size:=512 \
        _transform_publish_period:=0.05 \
        _map_update_distance_thresh:=0.4 \
        _map_update_angle_thresh:=0.1 \
        _laser_min_dist:=0.5 \

I know the /scan topic is being populated. The rviz output below shows the /scan and /map topics. Hector output doesn't indicate there are any errors or issues:

Starting Hector mapping...
HectorSM map lvl 0: cellLength: 0.025 res x:512 res y: 512
HectorSM map lvl 1: cellLength: 0.05 res x:256 res y: 256
HectorSM map lvl 2: cellLength: 0.1 res x:128 res y: 128
[ INFO] [1638650445.477366476]: HectorSM p_base_frame_: base_link
[ INFO] [1638650445.506526786]: HectorSM p_map_frame_: map
[ INFO] [1638650445.507313810]: HectorSM p_odom_frame_: base_link
[ INFO] [1638650445.507883805]: HectorSM p_scan_topic_: scan
[ INFO] [1638650445.508331093]: HectorSM p_use_tf_scan_transformation_: true
[ INFO] [1638650445.508667704]: HectorSM p_pub_map_odom_transform_: true
[ INFO] [1638650445.509036399]: HectorSM p_scan_subscriber_queue_size_: 5
[ INFO] [1638650445.512487878]: HectorSM p_map_pub_period_: 2.000000
[ INFO] [1638650445.514064635]: HectorSM p_update_factor_free_: 0.400000
[ INFO] [1638650445.515601392]: HectorSM p_update_factor_occupied_: 0.900000
[ INFO] [1638650445.516722424]: HectorSM p_map_update_distance_threshold_: 0.400000
[ INFO] [1638650445.517520125]: HectorSM p_map_update_angle_threshold_: 0.100000
[ INFO] [1638650445.518426315]: HectorSM p_laser_z_min_value_: -1.000000
[ INFO] [1638650445.519363389]: HectorSM p_laser_z_max_value_: 1.000000

image description

What else can I check to troubleshoot this?

Asked by jgauthier on 2021-12-04 15:46:33 UTC

