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Slam Toolbox "Removed oldest message because buffer is full, count now 5"

Hi, I have a bag with 14 seconds of lidar data and tf (carla/egovehicle/lidar_ and /tf). I'm trying to do an offlinescan, but just one time I saw the map in rviz, all the other times it gives me "No map". In debug mode slamtoolbox prints many times:

[DEBUG] [1638535964.467017944]: MessageFilter [target=odom ]: Added message in frame ego_vehicle/lidar at time 35.097, count now 5

[DEBUG] [1638535964.518764745]: MessageFilter [target=odom ]: Removed oldest message because buffer is full, count now 5 (frame_id=ego_vehicle/lidar, stamp=34.846930)

I use the standard launchfile with the basic configuration with just one change: base_frame: ego_vehicle/lidar

Here's my bag file if you want to test it out: lidartf14_sec.bag. To play the bag I use rosbag play file_name.bag --clock but also without --clock doesn't work. It worked just a couple times, no idea way. I'm running ros noetic. Thank you

Asked by francescofact on 2021-12-03 11:29:33 UTC

