Remote Roslaunch Failure
Here's my launch file:
<machine name="mal" address="mal" />
<node name="talker" pkg="rospy_tutorials" type="" machine="mal" />
Here's the output.
started roslaunch server http://harris1:34739/
remote[mal-0] starting roslaunch
remote[mal-0]: creating ssh connection to mal:22
remote[mal-0]: ssh connection created
[mal-0] process has died
remote roslaunch failed to launch: mal
This is running electric on the core machine (harris1, a PR2) over the PR2's wireless. Mal is running both diamondback and electric. An equivalent result is obtained when ros-root and ros-package-path are set.
<machine name="mal" address="mal" ros-root="/opt/ros/electric/ros/" ros-package-path="/home/dlu/wu-robotics:/opt/ros/electric/stacks" />
Why does the remote roslaunch fail to launch
Asked by David Lu on 2012-07-18 14:32:16 UTC
Do the log files show something interesting?
Asked by Lorenz on 2012-07-18 21:21:19 UTC
On line 33, the process dies, which is where the log diverges from successful logs.
Asked by David Lu on 2012-07-19 07:12:17 UTC