Edit: pr2_gazebo crashes during launch (Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid, Fuerte)
Edit: I did a fresh install of Precise and Precise/Fuerte runs gazebo without error. However, Lucid/Fuerte still does not run properly.
Original: I have recently changed my system from Diamondback/Natty to Fuerte/Lucid. In order to do so, I did a fresh install of Lucid (Diamondback/Natty) and successfully downloaded ros-fuerte-desktop-full and ros-fuerte-pr2-simulator. I have also done rosmake pr2gazebo and rosmake gazeboworlds with no failures.
Here is my problem: On Fuerte/Lucid, when I launch gazebo (using roslaunch pr2gazebo pr2empty_world.launch), the window appears for maybe 4 seconds, then crashes, accompanied by the error message listed below.
Error [Transport.cc:102] Unable to get topic namespaces in [50] tries.
Error [Node.cc:68] No namespace found
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::badalloc'
what(): std::badalloc
/opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/simulatorgazebo/gazebo/scripts/gui: line 2: 8292 Aborted rospack find gazebo
/gazebo/bin/gzclient -g rospack find gazebo
[gazebogui-2] process has died [pid 8289, exit code 134, cmd /opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/simulatorgazebo/gazebo/scripts/gui _name:=gazebogui _log:=/home/rin/.ros/log/60d6655c-d062-11e1-b0c9-58b035ffc45e/gazebogui-2.log].
log file: /home/rin/.ros/log/60d6655c-d062-11e1-b0c9-58b035ffc45e/gazebo_gui-2*.log
My attempts at solution:
rin@sherlock:~$ roscd ~/.ros/log/60d6655c-d062-11e1-b0c9-58b035ffc45e/ roscd: No such package/stack '/home/rin/.ros/log/60d6655c-d062-11e1-b0c9-58b035ffc45e/'
However, I can get to /home/rin/.ros/log/60d6655c-d062-11e1-b0c9-58b035ffc45e/ manually. Furthermore, /home/rin/.ros/log/60d6655c-d062-11e1-b0c9-58b035ffc45e/gazebo_gui-2*.log doesn't exist.
I deleted the log files, (everything in /home/rin/.ros/log/) as recommended by my advisor, and this did not help.
In my previous configuration (Diamondback/Natty), I had no trouble launching and running gazebo, I only mention this because I don't think this error is a problem with my graphics card.
I searched through ROS answers, and to my understanding problems of this nature have not been answered. Please inform me if you need more information to solve this puzzle, I will gladly provide it. Thank you for your time.
Asked by c_radialline on 2012-07-17 13:34:00 UTC
I had a problem of RVIZ crashing on ubuntu 10.04 which worked fine previously. I changed to 12.04 and had no problems..
Asked by sai on 2012-09-18 22:29:33 UTC