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change the height/angle of the laser scan created from pointcloud


I have used pointcloud-to-laserscan, and works fine. now the problem is that my lidar is at the top of my robot, and so laserscan has created at that level. Now I want to change this height/or angle,inorder to laser scan can detect the objects which situated infront of it. How can i change the angle or height of the laser scan?? thanks

Asked by Delbina on 2021-11-10 09:43:35 UTC



I believe you have two options:

  • the min_height and max_height parameters to change the range of points from the cloud that are converted into the scan, or
  • the target_frame parameter to change from whatever the default frame (e.g. lidar_frame) to the frame you're interested in (e.g. base_link)

The latter is probably the more appropriate solution, but its worth being aware of the min and max height parameters as well

Asked by shonigmann on 2021-11-10 12:16:31 UTC
