gazebo ros camera plugin publishes images while paused

asked 2021-10-19 12:21:48 -0500

lucasw gravatar image

The images published while paused take a lot of cpu (and it takes a long time to bring gazebo down and then back up, so it's nice to be able to quickly pause and lighten the load then unpause as needed), and all have the same timestamps so some downstream nodes are processing images and broadcasting tf transforms that then all have the same paused timestamp which results in a flood of warnings:

Warning: TF_REPEATED_DATA ignoring data with redundant timestamp for frame

This seems like a recent change in the last couple of weeks, I'm trying to bisect my changes to see if I altered a gazebo ros camera plugin parameter that would have caused this.

I tried out roslaunch rrbot_gazebo rrbot_world.launch(using a noetic fork from and it pauses properly, I can look at that config to see if it differs from mine, and maybe make a reproducible example I can share. It's probably the fault of my config, but it seems like an upstream issue that it's even possible to do this.

One possibility is a race condition, where the light weight rrbot example works, but my system is so much larger that it doesn't- maybe something is seeing use_sim_time true and something else isn't, and that combination results in this behavior?

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Hi @lucasw., not sure if you have already resolved this. I would like to do some testing over the weekend. With quick testing, I haven't encountered this error of not being able to pause but a week ago I had to toggle use_sim_time as I got a weird error.

osilva gravatar image osilva  ( 2021-10-21 10:46:33 -0500 )edit