Run a node
I have installed and compiled secessfully the follwing packages : amcl_listener ,pow_analyzer, cereal_port, gps_umd and scan_tools. I have only one launch file and all works perfect. But would like to run the each node. So I need a launch file for each package to run the package node? for example how to run the scan tools node?Any help? And i tried to edit some lauch file code and was not able to do that, whats wrong?
You mean the correct package parameters or?And remappings of what?
The node's parameters and topic remappings. I'd advise to read some basic tutorials that explain this better.
So better to run a launch file for very node yes?
It depends. If you just want to run a node and you don't need to change much, rosrun is absolutely fine. roslaunch is needed for a single node if there are parameters to change or topic remappings to make that you don't want to give manually all the time.
If you want to run something singly that warrants a launch file you can also make single launch files out of the one you use.
ok. So if I want run a luanch file than have to create the package and everything , yes? I mean I have installed and comiled the packages but have only one lanch file for all.
You can make a launch file for a single node or just use rosrun if you don't need to set parameters or remap topics. If you do, the advantage of the launch file is that you don't have to give all those settings on the cmd line.
Ok. So the basic tutorials explain hot to make tne lauch file yes? The coomand for making a lauch file also can be find there?