Keeping a point cloud map a certain density

asked 2021-10-13 10:51:30 -0500

n.dafinski gravatar image

updated 2022-05-01 13:07:39 -0500

lucasw gravatar image

Hey guys, so I've got a sort of weird question and I'm not entirely sure that what I'd like to do is feasible or even possible. I've got a SLAM solution working with a lidar and an IMU and the map generated is being published at up to 10hz ( the operating speed of the ouster lidar I am using ). Now I am using a voxel grid filter from the PCL library to do some downsampling on my cloud, since I am using a 128 channel lidar and the number of points generated is huge, but I was thinking whether it's possible to have the same kind of effect on the whole map, so that the overall density of the point cloud is being kept the same overall. My point is that when you're scanning a plain wall, for example, after a couple of seconds at most, you have all the points you would need for that wall and getting any more on the map is kind of useless and just takes up resources, so maybe running something similar to a voxel grid filter on the whole map in real-time as points are coming in, so that the points are only being kept if there aren't enough points in that little space, for example.

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