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Cmakelist For Jetson GPIO on ROS melodic [closed]

asked 2021-09-22 14:50:15 -0600

Flash gravatar image

updated 2021-09-22 14:55:05 -0600

Hi, I am trying to use GPIO on Jetson via ROS but seems like my CMakelist is not properly setup due to which I am getting errors as

undefined reference to 'GPIO::setmode(GPIO::NumberingModes)'

Below is my Cmakelist

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0.2)

## Find catkin and any catkin packages
find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS roscpp rospy std_msgs genmsg)

## Generate added messages and services
generate_messages(DEPENDENCIES std_msgs)

## Declare a catkin package
  LIBRARIES camera_gpio
  CATKIN_DEPENDS roscpp rospy std_msgs)
# set(GPIO_INCLUDE_DIR ../include )

## Build talker and listener
include_directories(include ${catkin_INCLUDE_DIRS})

add_executable(gpio_control src/camera_gpio_node.cpp)
target_link_libraries(gpio_control ${catkin_LIBRARIES})
add_dependencies(gpio_control ${catkin_EXPORTED_TARGETS} ${${PROJECT_NAME}_EXPORTED_TARGETS})

Any help would be appreciated.

Below is my file structure

image description

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Closed for the following reason the question is answered, right answer was accepted by Flash
close date 2021-10-07 15:05:10.937149

1 Answer

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answered 2021-09-27 09:49:20 -0600

Flash gravatar image

Hi, I had used the Python version for jetsonGPIO communication due to which I didn't have to worry about the CMakelist. Just incase anyone comes across the same issue.

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Asked: 2021-09-22 14:50:15 -0600

Seen: 195 times

Last updated: Sep 27 '21