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Hi guys, been working with ros1 noetic and all my designs been exported to URDF from solidworks but I need to start building projects in ROS2. is there program to export2urdf from solidworks or just need to build in ros1 and migrate to ros2 ?

need my model to build in ros2

Asked by Efe K. on 2021-09-16 11:37:38 UTC



The URDF format has not changed from ROS1 to ROS2. Any URDF you export from Solidworks will be equally valid in ROS2. The things that use the generated URDF may change, as well as some of the plugins you might have added to your URDF, but the rest (links, joints, etc) won't need changing.

Asked by shonigmann on 2021-09-16 16:49:27 UTC


I got it thank you :)

Asked by Efe K. on 2021-09-24 19:08:11 UTC