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Doubt regarding the likelihood field in measurement model

Likelihood Model

I don't quite understand what xztk and yztk mean? Are they meant to represent the position of the kth laserscan reading? If yes, could someone please help me figure out how are the values of xztk and yztk being evaluated? Why isn't the angle of the kth laserscan reading (w.r.t. the base_laser) being taken into account?

Asked by skpro19 on 2021-09-15 19:39:52 UTC


It would really help if I could get some context regarding why the question was closed. Do you want me to add more context to the question?

Asked by skpro19 on 2021-09-16 04:28:00 UTC

I didn't close it, but it doesn't look like this is a ROS question.

That would be sufficient reason to close it.

Additionally, integrally posting screenshots of text is also not something we typically allow here on ROS Answers.

Asked by gvdhoorn on 2021-09-16 04:38:41 UTC

Robotics stack exchange could be one right place to ask this question

Asked by parzival on 2021-09-16 05:05:46 UTC
