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How to achieve outdoor navigation using GPS? What are the things required for outdoor navigation.

How can i achieve outdoor navigation? Is map required for outdoor navigation? world is so big how to navigate robot in outside world? What are the components required to achieve outdoor navigation?

Asked by troyelex on 2021-09-13 04:37:06 UTC


You need to ask a complete and specific question. You do not provide enough context for a reaonable person to (a) understand your application and (b) make recomendations on how to solve it.

Asked by kscottz on 2021-09-16 16:10:27 UTC


I would definetly pick a LIDAR (or similar) and an IMU at least so you can merge all this info with a EKF and estimate your position within the world. Also you will probably have to deal with SLAM. For these topics, you can use robot_localization and navigation stack packages. Hope it helps!

Asked by Ronro on 2021-09-13 15:18:06 UTC
