Find the closest messages to a PointCloud2 message.

asked 2021-08-31 07:08:24 -0500

Ifx13 gravatar image

Hello everyone, please allow me to describe what I want to perform. I have a bag with a pointcloud2 and multiple Image and Camera Info topics. I want to find the closest Image message to the a pointcloud2 of a certain timestamp. Here is my code, so far I can edit the rgb colors of a point but I want to do it according to the closest image (project 3d to pixel from image_geometry library) but the thing is I cannot extract the closest Image messages. Any ideas?

My first thought was to read messages from the bag inside a time window but it seems that the operand + cannot be done in 2 rostime.Time objects, but the subtraction can... So it leads to nothing.

import rosbag
import sensor_msgs.point_cloud2
import rospy
import struct
from sensor_msgs.msg import PointCloud2, PointField
import std_msgs.msg
import time

pub = rospy.Publisher("/velodyne_red_points", PointCloud2, queue_size=2)

bag = rosbag.Bag('/media/antonis/Data/Coloring_Test/4cam_VLP_decompressed_reordered.orig.bag')

for topic, msg, t in bag.read_messages(topics=['/velodyne_points']):
    points = []

    #msg_test,t_test = bag.read_messages(topics=['/cam/0/image_raw'], start_time = t - rospy.Time.from_sec(1), end_time = t + rospy.Time.from_sec(1))
    for point in sensor_msgs.point_cloud2.read_points(msg, skip_nans=True):
            x = point[0]
            y = point[1]
            z = point[2]
            r = int(255.0)
            g = int(0)
            b = int(0)
            a = 255

            rgb = struct.unpack('I', struct.pack('BBBB', b, g, r, a))[0]

            pt = [x, y, z, rgb]
    fields = [PointField('x', 0, PointField.FLOAT32, 1),
        PointField('y', 4, PointField.FLOAT32, 1),
        PointField('z', 8, PointField.FLOAT32, 1),
        PointField('rgb', 12, PointField.UINT32, 1),
        #PointField('rgba', 12, PointField.UINT32, 1),

    header = std_msgs.msg.Header()
    header.frame_id = "velodyne"
    header.stamp = t
    pc2 = sensor_msgs.point_cloud2.create_cloud(header, fields, points)

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closest Image message to the a pointcloud2 of a certain timestamp

Can you please! clarify this statement to me.

so far I can edit the rgb colors of a point but I want to do it according to the closest image (project 3d to pixel from image_geometry library) but the thing is I cannot extract the closest Image messages. Any ideas?

And this also, Please! provide as many details as you can. You can upload the images also the current vs you want. I think I can help you with image_geometry library, and project 3d to pixel


Ranjit Kathiriya gravatar image Ranjit Kathiriya  ( 2021-08-31 10:05:19 -0500 )edit

@Ranjit Kathiriya Hello, thanks for your comment. I mean the closest chronological image message with reference to the "current" pointcloud message which is examined inside the for loop.

Edit: So far I can get the u,v coordinates of an image based on a 3D point by using the image_geometry library. The thing I am trying to figure out is based on what image I should paint the pointcloud, I thought that I should paint it based on the chronologically closest based on the timestamps but I cannot find a way to "pick" that image from the others inside the image_topic.

Ifx13 gravatar image Ifx13  ( 2021-08-31 10:09:36 -0500 )edit

Is this an xy-problem? Are you looking to synchronise multiple topics based on their timestamps? The rosbag cookbook has an example which shows how to do that.

gvdhoorn gravatar image gvdhoorn  ( 2021-08-31 12:12:53 -0500 )edit