Wireless Network
It looks like you need a Wireless Network in order to operate the turlebot, is there anyway to get around this/use the turtlebot with only one computer?
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It looks like you need a Wireless Network in order to operate the turlebot, is there anyway to get around this/use the turtlebot with only one computer?
You can reconfigure the TurtleBot to start without a wireless network with the following:
roscd turtlebot_bringup/upstart
sudo ./install.bash lo
This will have the side-effect of being unable to access the ROS network on the TurtleBot from other computers.
I do not think there's a need to reconfigure the TurtleBot at all. The turtlebot laptop is connected to the robot with 2 cables (Kinect and Create). As long as the cables are long enough, you can run everything on the laptop. But get ready to spend some time running after the robot (especially when you start the autonomous navigation)
turtlebot.conf just starts the service automatically on bootup. It is equivalent to running "sudo service turtlebot start" at a console as per the turtlebot bringup tutorial. I have tried following the tutorial without any network (or any workstation for that matter) and it works fine.
Asked: 2012-07-10 06:37:55 -0500
Seen: 820 times
Last updated: Jul 10 '12
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