2 Lidars (360 deg SICK) in an AGV ROS2, how would you do the navigation?

asked 2021-08-11 21:26:22 -0500

tonaaskarwur gravatar image

I am currently working on a ROS2 Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) robot. Basically the robot looks like turtlebot3, but 10 times bigger with a manipulation arm on top of it. I had 2 lidars setup on the robot, each of them covers the front and back of side which gives me full 360 degrees scan msg. With two /scan topics coming from each lidars, I would then merge it into one topic using ira_lab scan merger package in my ROS 1 setup. It is needed to have a merged /scan topic since AMCL requires to use only one /scan topic. There goes my ROS1 AGV working completely fine.

But, in ROS2, this "lidar scan merger" package is not available yet. Yes I am trying to port it to ROS2, but I have problems on some missing API and also ROS2 has a different parameter handling design which is another issue. I read another ROS answer post that we can also configure through the config file of navigation package so it works with subscribing both lidar /scan msgs, but I didn't work for me. In that case, what would be your best go to make the robot do navigation in ROS2? My bet is porting the scan merger package, since that's all I can do... But even after searching over all sources related ROS2's perception package and other ROS2 "lidar tool" in github, I am still failing to compile my package.

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