[ROS2] Image is showing on rqt_image_view and topic echo but not rviz2 [closed]

asked 2021-08-09 03:53:43 -0500

anguyen9630 gravatar image

So I am using Galactic have managed to make a publisher using image_transport and publish the image that I wanted to show. Initially I didn't have proper headers so I have added it now but it still say no image. I've tried changing the QoS settings but since I am quite new I have no idea what I am doing not going to lie.

I tried topic echo and I can see the stamp, and frame_id (which is the topic name). I can also see image on rqt_image_view. So I hope some expert here can help me out.

EDIT: I found the problem. I just have to change the Fixed Frame to the frame_id and it worked.

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Closed for the following reason the question is answered, right answer was accepted by anguyen9630
close date 2021-08-09 03:52:44.108076