libc++abi: terminating with uncaught exception of type rclcpp::exceptions::RCLError on macOS [closed]

asked 2021-07-01 04:02:43 -0500

anonymous user


Dear all,

I have been trying to install ros2 foxy on macOS. I installed all dependencies as official site says (here) but I can't even run demos. I already set SIP off. I heard that the version of tinyxml2 might be a problem according to this site (here) but I am still not sure.

Could anyone know what I have to do? Thank you.

 name@MacBookPro ros2-osx % ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp talker
libc++abi: terminating with uncaught exception of type rclcpp::exceptions::RCLError: failed to initialize rcl init options: failed to load shared library of rmw implementation: /Users/name/ROS/ros2-osx/lib/librmw_fastrtps_cpp.dylib Exception: LoadLibrary error: dlopen(/Users/name/ROS/ros2-osx/lib/librmw_fastrtps_cpp.dylib, 1): Library not loaded: /usr/local/opt/tinyxml2/lib/libtinyxml2.8.dylib
  Referenced from: /Users/name/ROS/ros2-osx/lib/librmw_fastrtps_cpp.dylib
  Reason: image not found, at /Users/osrf/jenkins-agent/workspace/ci_packaging_osx/ws/src/ros2/rcutils/src/shared_library.c:84, at /Users/osrf/jenkins-agent/workspace/ci_packaging_osx/ws/src/ros2/rmw_implementation/rmw_implementation/src/functions.cpp:64, at /Users/osrf/jenkins-agent/workspace/ci_packaging_osx/ws/src/ros2/rcl/rcl/src/rcl/init_options.c:61

I am using: MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2017, Four Thunderbolt 3 Ports)/ macOS Big Sur Version11.4/ ros2-foxy-20201211-macos-amd64.tar.bz2

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Closed for the following reason question is not relevant or outdated by tfoote
close date 2022-04-11 12:50:27.594335


Are you using RoboStack?

osilva gravatar image osilva  ( 2021-12-15 07:59:07 -0500 )edit

Were you able to solve this problem?

märve gravatar image märve  ( 2022-04-15 10:04:30 -0500 )edit