Seekur jr can't connect or sync with RosAria
Basically, I am running the seekur jr with a mini intel nuc. It is connected with microcontroller via RS-232 through the J2 connector and RS-232 is connected with an adpater cable to DB9. have the rosaria running with:
rosrun rosaria RosAria _port:=/dev/ttyUSB0
but it keeps giving me:
[ INFO] [1625021247.341214097]: RosAria: set port: [/dev/ttyUSB0]
Connnecting to robot using TCP connection to localhost:8101...
Could not connect to simulator, connecting to robot through serial port /dev/ttyUSB0.
Syncing 0
No packet.
Syncing 0
No packet.
Trying to close possible old connection
Syncing 0
No packet.
Syncing 0
No packet.
Robot may be connected but not open, trying to dislodge.
Syncing 0
No packet.
Robot may be connected but not open, trying to dislodge.
Syncing 0
No packet.
Could not connect, no robot responding.
Failed to connect to robot.
[ERROR] [1625021253.813767283]: RosAria: ARIA could not connect to robot! (Check ~port parameter is correct, and permissions on port device, or any errors reported above)
[FATAL] [1625021253.813958763]: RosAria: ROS node setup failed...
I have tried change baud to 9600 and other numbers, doing
sudo chmod a+rw /dev/ttyUSB0
but nothing seems to work. And I know that it is connected through the ttyUSB0 for sure. This might not be a thing but there was a red blinking light in the microcontroller. I don't think it's a big deal but if that's an indicator of something is wrong please let me know. I've also seen some people saying that resetting works, but I don't know how to do that.
There's also this:
but I don't understand what the answer means.
Edit: Okay so I manage to get it connecting but new problem
ArRobotPacketReceiver::receivePacket: bad packet, bad checksum
ArRobotPacketReceiver::receivePacket: bad packet, bad checksum
ArRobot::myPacketReader: Timed out (4) at 3776 (200 into cycle after sleeping 200)
Any help is appreciated! Thank you!
Asked by Usui on 2021-06-29 23:03:14 UTC