Error while grasp planning using MoveIt with collision objects originally spawned into gazebo world

asked 2021-06-08 06:56:28 -0500

timtuch96 gravatar image

updated 2021-07-28 11:56:16 -0500

Hello, I am facing issues while trying to manipulate objects with the c++ moveit API, which were spawned in the gazebo simulation and published to the planning scene. For this I am using a c++ gazebo plugin "gazebo_ros_moveit_planning_scene.cpp" originally supported by ROS kinetic, which I got from this repository. (

I configured the CMakeLists.txt files accordingly so that the plugin compiles correctly and I launch the plugin by adding it in the "panda_arm_hand.urdf.xacro" file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<robot xmlns:xacro="" name="panda">
  <plugin filename="" name="gazebo_ros_moveit_planning_scene">

My goal was to recreate the Moveit C++ pick and place tutorial found here Moveit C++ Pick-and-Place However, now the object isn't being created in the MoveIt planning scene directly. Instead, I use C++ code to spawn gazebo objects which will then automatically be published to the /planning_scene by the gazebo plugin.

This seems to work to a certain extent, seeing as the objects are visible in Gazebo as well as in the Rviz-MoveIt MotionPlanning-PlanningScene (image)

When running the code however the following ROS Error gets raised:

ERROR /move_group [/home/tim/ROS_Workspaces/ws_moveit/src/moveit/moveit_core/planning_scene/src/planning_scene.cpp:1850(PlanningScene::processCollisionObjectMove)] World object '' does not exist. Cannot move.

This is the function that executes the grasp planning action and results in the Error.

void pick(moveit::planning_interface::MoveGroupInterface& move_group)
// Create a vector of grasps to be attempted, currently only creating single grasp.
// This is essentially useful when using a grasp generator to generate and test multiple grasps.
std::vector<moveit_msgs::Grasp> grasps;

// Setting grasp pose
// ++++++++++++++++++++++
// This is the pose of panda_link8. |br|
// From panda_link8 to the palm of the eef the distance is 0.058, the cube starts 0.01 before 5.0 (half of the length
// of the cube). |br|
// Therefore, the position for panda_link8 = 5 - (length of cube/2 - distance b/w panda_link8 and palm of eef - some
// extra padding)
grasps[0].grasp_pose.header.frame_id = "panda_link0";
tf2::Quaternion orientation;
orientation.setRPY(-M_PI / 2, -M_PI / 4, -M_PI / 2);
grasps[0].grasp_pose.pose.orientation = tf2::toMsg(orientation);
grasps[0].grasp_pose.pose.position.x = 0.415;
grasps[0].grasp_pose.pose.position.y = 0;
grasps[0].grasp_pose.pose.position.z = 0.5;

// Setting pre-grasp approach
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
/* Defined with respect to frame_id */
grasps[0].pre_grasp_approach.direction.header.frame_id = "panda_link0";
/* Direction is set as positive x axis */
grasps[0].pre_grasp_approach.direction.vector.x = 1.0;
grasps[0].pre_grasp_approach.min_distance = 0.095;
grasps[0].pre_grasp_approach.desired_distance = 0.115;

// Setting post-grasp retreat
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
/* Defined with respect to frame_id */
grasps[0].post_grasp_retreat.direction.header.frame_id = "panda_link0";
/* Direction is set as positive z axis */
grasps[0].post_grasp_retreat.direction.vector.z = 1.0;
grasps[0].post_grasp_retreat.min_distance = 0.1;
grasps[0].post_grasp_retreat.desired_distance = 0.25;

// Setting posture of eef before grasp
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
openGripper(grasps[0 ...
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I was able to solve this issue by, editing the source code of the plugin. If you describe an object using sdf and spawn it in gazebo, the id of the model will result in the model name with the appended link name. So i edited the code which is responsible for generating the planning scene such that it spaẃns planning scene objects with the model name if the id and the model name differ. I added the solution to the original post.

timtuch96 gravatar image timtuch96  ( 2021-07-28 11:46:13 -0500 )edit