How to update ROS Wiki Documentation?
I found an error in a ROS Wiki I was reading, can I change the source code and submit a PR? Where can I find the source code? The wiki page is related to roscomm, I checked the source code but couldn't find the documentation in there.
On the bottom of the page I see (last edited 2019-06-26 19:17:45 by DavidLu)
Do I need to contact DavidLu?
Asked by csg on 2021-05-20 11:37:37 UTC
See this page, under "How to Edit a ROS Wiki Page"
In short, you have to create an account on, then request to be added to the ROS wiki whitelist by commenting on a specific issue (mention your username and why you want to edit the wiki/what page you want to edit). Once this is done, go back to the wiki page you want to modify, and click "Edit" on the right.
Asked by christophebedard on 2021-05-20 14:23:56 UTC
Adding to this: if the source code @csg mentions is embedded on the page (using the macro which takes source from a Git repository and displays it inline, with line nrs), instead of copy-pasted into the page, you cannot change it by editing the wiki page itself.
You'd have to submit a PR to fix the code in the Git repository.
Asked by gvdhoorn on 2021-05-21 01:54:42 UTC
you're right, that might be it. The question was a bit ambiguous!
Asked by christophebedard on 2021-05-21 08:26:47 UTC
@csg: could you please update your post with a link to the page you are referring to?
Most wiki pages which refer to source code use embedding through a macro, which would mean the code in the
repository would need fixing.It could well be that there is something incorrect, but the packages in
are pretty old and well used, so perhaps something else is going on.Asked by gvdhoorn on 2021-05-21 01:56:34 UTC