Catkin build error when install tiago++ simulation

asked 2021-05-18 05:37:16 -0500

JiaweiHuang gravatar image

I follow this tutorial tried to make a tiago_dual_public_ws, I followed step by step and after I ran catkin build -DCATKIN_ENABLE_TESTING=0, error came:

Errors <<    tiago_dual_moveit_tutorial:make    /home/huangjiawei/tiago_dual_public_ws/logs/tiago_dual_moveit_tutorial/build.make.000.log /opt/ros/melodic/lib/ undefined reference to    `octomath::Pose6D::Pose6D(octomath::Pose6D const&)' collect2: error: ld returned    1 exit status

I also have some other workspace, is that the reason? Thanks in advance.

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