Gmapping Affecting my odometry

asked 2021-05-17 04:34:41 -0500

Charbel gravatar image

Hello all,
In my project I am trying to build a map using:

  • Realsense T265: to provide robot odometry
  • Kinect V1: to provide the laserscan

The odometry provided by the Realsense T265 is pretty accurate, however when gmapping starts building the map the odometry suddenly drifts a lot, although the camera was not moving when the drift occurred, which causes bad laserscan transformation and bad mapping result.

I tried the default gmapping params but gave me same bad results.
I am only using for the odometry the Realsense T265

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Usually this means that your odometry is not very accurate. How do you provide the odometry with the realsense? By using a node like laser_scan_matcher? Then you probably have a problem with rotation, please try the tests from Basic Navigation Tuning Guide 1.2 Odometry.

Humpelstilzchen gravatar image Humpelstilzchen  ( 2021-05-17 11:51:26 -0500 )edit

The realsense node publishes odometry data, already built in the realsense 2 package. If I run the odometry alone without the Gmapping I get great results. However when I run it with the Gmapping node, sometimes the odometry drifts with no reason.

Charbel gravatar image Charbel  ( 2021-05-17 12:08:35 -0500 )edit