Odom and CML_VEL not showing up in when I call 'rostopic list'
The navigation stack tutorials are really confusing as I do not know how to implement it into the already created robot model. Does anyone have any videos explaining how to add Odom and CML_VEL to my robot before setting up the navigation stack?
Asked by fernando_s99 on 2021-05-13 15:54:39 UTC
The Navigation tutorials are rather extensive, including many tutorials for specific robots. A quick internet search will find many video Navigation tutorials, tutorials for publishing odometry, etc.
If you don't see a topic with rostopic list
, that means no nodes are publishing or subscribed to it. For navigation, you'll need an odometry node to publish on /odom
. Your robot will also need a controller node to subscribe to /cmd_vel
, so it can follow commands. The controller node will be specific to the (type of) robot you have, but one common type is differential drive.
There is a steep learning curve when starting out, so I recommend following a well-established and self-contained tutorial (e.g., TurtleBot3) before trying to implement things on a custom robot. If you run into specific issues, feel free to ask more questions.
Asked by tryan on 2021-05-18 08:50:09 UTC