Tutorial/Example for SMACC

asked 2021-05-05 10:17:06 -0500

AlexandrosNic gravatar image

I have an autonomous base with some complex strategies, and thus I would like to apply state machines or behavior trees. I went through most of the available libraries (SMACH, FlexBE, SMACC, behavior trees, BehaviorTrees.CPP, py_trees etc), but since I wanted to implement it in C++ for performance (perhaps this is not really needed?!), I had to limit myself between SMACC and BehaviorTrees.CPP.

I decided to give SMACC a try. Well documented and it seems that the guys did very good job. I went through the entire website (as well as repo and some sources), and it seems that there is no example/tutorial of how to integrate this in a custom workspace (the examples of the library are not very suitable in that case), nor I found any other custom workspace using SMACC available through github.

In particular, I didn't really understand how to connect the states with particular custom executables (in the form of .cpp) that I already builded. For example my state machine would be: 1. detect the corner (detect_the_corner.cpp), 2. navigate to the corner (navigate_to_the_corner.cpp), 3. rotate (rotate.cpp) 4. wall following (wall_following.cpp) (ofcourse the structure is more complex, and they are integrated into packages etc, but I wrote it that way for the sake of simplicity). Then my question is how could I call each of these executables through SMACC, if the latter mostly relies on header files (as per the examples)? Any examples, or workspaces using SMACC would be highly appreciated.

PS: Maybe my question is due to me not being advanced C++ programmer (but perhaps the library is not only for advanced users)

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Have you had any progress since May? I've gone through the same process and made the same conclusion to try SMACC and hit the same wall of no good tutorial existing. Please let me know!

sniegs gravatar image sniegs  ( 2021-11-09 03:44:54 -0500 )edit

Hey, sorry for the late reply. So I ended up using the conventional SMACH library and I implemented some states as services (written in C++) that were brought up through the state machines (Python)

AlexandrosNic gravatar image AlexandrosNic  ( 2021-11-22 08:33:15 -0500 )edit