Cannot change the prefix of URkinematics to a postfix
ROS Melodic Ubuntu 18.04
Admittedly, I have 0 clue of c++, so I have 2 UR10 robots and I cannot load the URkinematics plugin because of "missing" joints. I changed the names of my joints from jointname to jointnameright/left. Well, back then I didn't know the joints were "hardcoded." How do I get this piece of code working though? Even changing the jointnames itself gives me this error, in fact, I get the same joint_name no matter where I change it. I have absolutely 0 clue where the plugin gets its joint names because changing them below doesnt do anything.
ERROR: Kin chain provided in model doesn't contain standard UR joint 'rightshoulderlift_joint'.
ur_joint_names_.push_back("shoulder_pan_joint" + arm_prefix_);
ur_joint_names_.push_back("shoulder_lift_joint" + arm_prefix_);
ur_joint_names_.push_back( "elbow_joint" + arm_prefix_);
ur_joint_names_.push_back("wrist_1_joint" + arm_prefix_);
ur_joint_names_.push_back("wrist_2_joint" + arm_prefix_);
ur_joint_names_.push_back("wrist_3_joint" + arm_prefix_);
ur_link_names_.push_back("base_link" + arm_prefix_); // 0
ur_link_names_.push_back("ur_base_link" + arm_prefix_); // 1
ur_link_names_.push_back("shoulder_link" + arm_prefix_); // 2
ur_link_names_.push_back("upper_arm_link" + arm_prefix_); // 3
ur_link_names_.push_back("forearm_link" + arm_prefix_); // 4
ur_link_names_.push_back("wrist_1_link" + arm_prefix_); // 5
ur_link_names_.push_back("wrist_2_link" + arm_prefix_); // 6
ur_link_names_.push_back("wrist_3_link" + arm_prefix_); // 7
ur_link_names_.push_back("ee_link" + arm_prefix_); // 8
What I did was just swap the "jointname" with armprefix_ (from source its: armprefix + "joint_name")
Do I really have to change all joint names??
Asked by hopestartswithu on 2021-05-03 14:42:12 UTC