rosmaster file cannot be executed (MATLAB)
Trying to run my ROS master on a localhost, and by defualt my ROS_IP is set. When I try to connect, however, it fails. I get a seperate rosmaster cmd window that pops up telling me that the 'rosmaster' file failed to be executed by python. Is this an issue with my python virtualenv? with the IP it is trying to connect to on my own machine? Any help would be appreciated.
Error! Python executable in [python "C:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2021a\sys\ros1\win64\ros1\bin\rosmaster" "--core" "-p" "11311" "-w" "3"] cannot be found. Failed to execute the Python script...
Asked by kvgk on 2021-04-28 12:46:46 UTC
This seems to be a question about the ROS integration provided by Mathworks.
Have you tried their support channels?
Asked by gvdhoorn on 2021-04-29 00:17:48 UTC