Xacro - Strangest behaviour with inertia
Good day to everyone,
I was designing a robot with xacro and started seing the strangest behaviours from the "
I thought this behaviour to be very weird and so I tried with a different inertia, this time not the one taken from the CAD but considering that the inertia from the object was represented by a cuboid. So, I used the following inertia (which is very close to the one given by the CAD tool for the object):
<inertia ixx="8.5474390625e-4" ixy="0" ixz="0" iyy="8.5474390625e-4" iyz="0" izz="1.7094878125e-3" />
This time, gazebo couldn't even display the inertia, as shown here: https://ibb.co/yXBgPTf
Finally, with a try and error approach, i changed the izz moment of inertia to 1.5e-3, resulting in:
<inertia ixx="8.5474390625e-4" ixy="0" ixz="0" iyy="8.5474390625e-4" iyz="0" izz="1.5e-3" />
This time, i got the inertia to be displayed correctly: https://ibb.co/hYVRWRk .
Everything seems correct to me in all the cases so, what may be causing this issue?
PS: I also ended up posting in gazebo forum, since the topics I read here, when there was a problem in the simulation with gazebo, moderators changed closed the topic as asked the user to post in gazebo. Here is the link: https://answers.gazebosim.org/question/26819/error-with-display-of-inertia/ (is waiting for moderation)
Asked by noobita on 2021-04-16 06:21:10 UTC