use a previously created package

asked 2021-04-09 08:19:15 -0500

Kansai gravatar image

This is a very basic question. So far when working with ROS, I have either:

  1. Create a workspace and several packages inside (as described here or
  2. Use code that is complete.

My questions are two

  1. What is the best way to distribute one of my packages? Should I give the code starting from the package folder or starting from the workspace folder?
  2. If I want to use someone else's package is it enough to copy the package folder inside the src folder of the workspace and then call catkin_make?


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This is not an answer, but some observations:

  • please don't ask two questions in a single post. ROS Answers is a Q&A site, where a 1-to-1 ratio of questions-to-answers works best (compare with StackOverflow)
  • please include links to Q&As you've already found before you posted your own question. Both these topics have been discussed before (I've posted a couple of answers myself fi), and those should come up in searches (use Google, append to your query). If you found those, please mention them, so we can avoid discussing the same things, and also clarify what parts of your question weren't covered by the Q&As you already found.

As always, we're here to help, but we should really try to avoid discussing the same things multiple times. We already have approx 58000 questions.

gvdhoorn gravatar image gvdhoorn  ( 2021-04-09 09:00:02 -0500 )edit