Baxter Robot: enable robot failed.
Hi all,
I'm new to Baxter robot (previously I'm using Sawyer). I configured the environment in Ubuntu 16 using Ros kinetic. Everything was good except there is an error when I use cmake to install Baxter environment. I can ping the robot, read the rostopic, and get joint angles from the robot. But I cannot enable the robot and control it.
Specifically, when I run
rosrun baxtertools -e
It shows:
**[WARN] [WallTime: 1453764465.061960] RobotEnable: Failed to retrieve robot version from rosparam: rethink/softwareversion Verify robot state and connectivity (i.e. ROSMASTER_URI)
I also tried:
rosparam get /rethink/software_version
It returns
ERROR: Parameter [/rethink/software_version] is not set.
I'm sure the robot is booted and the is correctly set (since I can read rostopic list).
Does anyone know what's the problem?
Thanks in advance!
Asked by Ziyang Xie on 2021-04-06 09:17:41 UTC