How to make MATLAB VideoReader recognize ROS Image Topic stream?
I would like to know how to implement a camera stream/bridge Between MATLAB and ROS for applying Computer Vision built-in tools in the simulation generated images.
I am now using the standard MATLAB x ROS bridge, but not sure how to make the image topics to be recognized as a video input for the MATLAB's VideoReader. I wish to, for example, use ROS camera data as a "video input", for the demo example in this tutorial sample.
I have made this code so far in MATLAB, which gives me some kind of "video stream", with a big delay between frames, and not recognized by MATLAB VideoReader:
% default cleanup commands
clear all
close all
% closing eventual ROS service before starting
%launching ROS
%setting up a subscriber for the interest message/topic
rgbsub = rossubscriber('/realsense/color/image_raw');
% tentative to break the infinit loop while requesting data from ROS
f = figure(1);
control = true;
while control
rgbscan = receive(rgbsub, 5); % acquiring data form ROS
myRGB = readImage(rgbscan); %reading the data as a MATLAB friendly data
imshow(myRGB); % displaying the image
isKeyPressed = ~isempty(get(f,'CurrentCharacter')); % trick to break the infinit loop
if isKeyPressed
control = false;
close all
rosshutdown % shutting down ROS...
Asked by msantos on 2021-03-22 16:15:46 UTC