D435i_IMU large gaps detected by cartographer_rosbag_validate

asked 2021-03-14 05:10:08 -0500

Theo gravatar image

Hi, I used the imu module of d435i to record RosBag data on Raspberry Pi, but when I run cartographer_validate,it prompts that the imu data time is not timestamps are not strictly increasing and there is the large gap, the largest is 84.1733s. The system of Raspberry Pi is Raspberry Pi OS. When I try to connect d435i with my computer to record the RosBag, there will be no such problem. Had anyone the same problem as me? How did you solve it?

E0313 10:22:06.531116 4499 rosbag_validate_main.cc:351] frame_id "camera_imu_optical_frame" on topic /camera/imu/ has serialization time 1615285596.116480667 but sensor time 1615284828.469705105 differing by -767.647 s.
E0313 10:22:06.531322 4499 rosbag_validate_main.cc:351] frame_id "camera_imu_optical_frame" on topic /camera/imu/ has serialization time 1615285596.119050390 but sensor time 1615284828.471746445 differing by -767.647 s.
E0313 10:22:06.531373 4499 rosbag_validate_main.cc:351] frame_id "camera_imu_optical_frame" on topic /camera/imu/ has serialization time 1615285596.121465001 but sensor time 1615284828.475828886 differing by -767.646 s.
E0313 10:22:06.564853 4499 rosbag_validate_main.cc:316] Sensor with frame_id "camera_imu_optical_frame" jumps backwards in time, i.e. timestamps are not strictly increasing. Make sure that the bag contains the data for each frame_id sorted by header.stamp, i.e. the order in which they were acquired from the sensor.
E0313 10:22:06.568487 4499 rosbag_validate_main.cc:316] Sensor with frame_id "camera_imu_optical_frame" jumps backwards in time, i.e. timestamps are not strictly increasing. Make sure that the bag contains the data for each frame_id sorted by header.stamp, i.e. the order in which they were acquired from the sensor.
E0313 10:22:06.571218 4499 rosbag_validate_main.cc:316] Sensor with frame_id "camera_imu_optical_frame" jumps backwards in time, i.e. timestamps are not strictly increasing. Make sure that the bag contains the data for each frame_id sorted by header.stamp, i.e. the order in which they were acquired from the sensor.

E0313 10:22:06.763056 4499 rosbag_validate_main.cc:390] IMU data (frame_id: "camera_imu_optical_frame") has a large gap, largest is 84.1733 s, recommended is [0.0005, 0.005] s with no jitter.
I0313 10:22:06.763733 4499 rosbag_validate_main.cc:399] Time delta histogram for consecutive messages on topic "/camera/imu/" (frame_id: "camera_imu_optical_frame"):
Count: 76779 Min: -0.0260808 Max: 84.1733 Mean: 0.00499224
[-0.026081, 8.393857) #################### Count: 76775 (99.9948%) Total: 76775 (99.9948%)
[8.393857, 16.813795) Count: 1 (0.00130244%) Total: 76776 (99.9961%)
[16.813795, 25.233732) Count: 1 (0.00130244%) Total: 76777 (99.9974%)
[25.233732, 33.653671) Count: 0 (0%) Total: 76777 (99.9974%)
[33.653671, 42.073612) Count: 1 (0.00130244%) Total: 76778 (99.9987%)
[42.073612, 50.493546) Count: 0 (0%) Total: 76778 (99.9987%)
[50.493546, 58.913490) Count: 0 (0%) Total: 76778 (99.9987%)
[58.913490, 67.333420) Count: 0 (0%) Total: 76778 (99.9987%)
[67.333420, 75.753357) Count: 0 (0%) Total: 76778 (99.9987%)
[75.753357, 84.173302] Count ...
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