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Where should I put MultiThreadedSpinner.spin() in my main function?

HI I have a question about ros::MultiThreadedSpinner. I have several callback functions that should be handled at the same time so I am using Multi threads. The problem is that I need to call update function from my docking class continuously, like I did in the code below. In this case, is putting spinner.spin() above the while loop correct? I am not sure where I should place spinner.spin(), can someone tell me if I've done this in a right way and if the usage of multi thread like this is a common practice? Thank you in advance!

ros::init (argc, argv, "docking_node");
docking GGG;    
ros::MultiThreadedSpinner spinner(4);
ros::Rate spin_rate(10);


return (0);

Asked by So Young on 2021-03-08 19:51:19 UTC


I tested the code above and I realised, it handles the callbacks BUT the update function is not called once..

Asked by So Young on 2021-03-08 20:33:16 UTC

For those who are interested, I used AsyncSpinner instead, since MultiThreadedSpinner blocks.

Asked by So Young on 2021-03-10 03:33:46 UTC
