Transformation from A to B frame problems

asked 2021-03-02 10:58:26 -0500

0611252 gravatar image

I decide to transform from A frame to B frame by translation 1 m and rotate 90 degrees。 I decided A to be my fixed frame so I thought that A should also set to be parent frame and B is a child friend. The rqr_tf_tree seems correct. However, the frames show on rviz really confused me. I wonder why the arrow points toward A frame instead of B frame. I thought that the arrow should point toward B frame so it means transform from A frame to B frame.


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Can you share your rqt_tf_tree output, code for transformation as well as the visualization in rviz?

3473f gravatar image 3473f  ( 2021-11-19 07:55:33 -0500 )edit