Uninstall moveit
I want to know the verter combination if commands for uninstalling moveit. Moveit is giving me some problems relates with the move group when launching It in muy Raspberry Pi 4 , It's giving to me a Segmentation fault that is turning me crazy. I want to test the source download just to test what's the problem, so I need yo first uninstall It.
If you can help me in whatever i told i'll be greateful
Asked by lucasrebra on 2021-02-24 03:31:32 UTC
If you build MoveIt from source in your catkin workspace, that takes precedence over the installed binaries. You probably don't need to uninstall it, but I guess you can remove it like any other Ubuntu package via
sudo apt remove package-name
.Asked by fvd on 2021-02-24 06:22:05 UTC
For kinetic you can use
sudo apt purge ros-kinetic-moveit*
if it is installed as binaries.Asked by turtleMaster20 on 2021-02-24 09:24:04 UTC