why my urdf file not open in moveit ? [closed]

asked 2021-02-17 06:40:42 -0500

yash2504 gravatar image

~/catkin_ws$ roslaunch moveit_setup_assistant setup_assistant.launch i am getting this message "ROS was unable to find the package name '' within the ROS workspace. This may cause issues later."

process[moveit_setup_assistant-1]: started with pid [5911] Gtk-Message: 18:01:50.334: GtkDialog mapped without a transient parent. This is discouraged. [rospack] Error: package 'urdf_3dof' not found E: Unable to locate package ros-melodic-urdf_3dof[ INFO] [1613565228.311954694]: Loaded urdf_3dof robot model. [rospack] Error: package 'urdf_3dof' not found [rospack] Error: package 'urdf_3dof' not found [rospack] Error: package 'urdf_3dof' not found [rospack] Error: package 'urdf_3dof' not found [rospack] Error: package 'urdf_3dof' not found [rospack] Error: package 'urdf_3dof' not found [rospack] Error: package 'urdf_3dof' not found [rospack] Error: package 'urdf_3dof' not found [rospack] Error: package 'urdf_3dof' not found [rospack] Error: package 'urdf_3dof' not found [rospack] Error: package 'urdf_3dof' not found [rospack] Error: package 'urdf_3dof' not found [rospack] Error: package 'urdf_3dof' not found [rospack] Error: package 'urdf_3dof' not found [rospack] Error: package 'urdf_3dof' not found [rospack] Error: package 'urdf_3dof' not found [rospack] Error: package 'urdf_3dof' not found [rospack] Error: package 'urdf_3dof' not found [rospack] Error: package 'urdf_3dof' not found [rospack] Error: package 'urdf_3dof' not found

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Closed for the following reason Question does not follow our guidelines for questions. Please see: http://wiki.ros.org/Support for more details. by kscottz
close date 2021-02-19 14:34:21.515439