Quadruped robot fails to move in Gazebo and falls over

asked 2021-02-17 05:28:52 -0500

Tahir M. gravatar image

I am trying to create a simulation of a quadruped robot in Gazebo but the robot fall over.

The gait planning of the robot is working fine here the robot can be seen being teleoperated in RVIZ. But when the same robot is taken to Gazebo it is not able to teleoperate and falls after some time. To me there can be few reasons setting proper physics parameters, setting PID values for ros_control or may be something else which at the moment I don't know.

Anyone who can guide/point out some problems with the simulation.

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Hey, thanks for posting this! I'm interested as well since I'm trying to do a Gazebo simulation of a quadruped and mine is falling over in a similar manner as yours in the video. What do you use as the state vector in your control algorithm? Do you make use of the body quaternion? If so, from where do you acquire it? I'm using the P3D plugin in my URDF to get the body position/pose/twist.

ElCidCampeador gravatar image ElCidCampeador  ( 2021-03-16 20:07:09 -0500 )edit