Ublox C94-M8P with ROS

asked 2021-02-11 02:54:43 -0500

Perro92 gravatar image

Hi, I have a pair of M8P-C94 Board with the latest firmware on them and I'm using ROS Melodic on Ubuntu 18.04 for a project using this pkg https://github.com/KumarRobotics/ublox at the lastest version available, hoping is the correct one to use. I've configured the base and the rover as written in the UBLOX guide and using the respective configuration for the base and the rover, modified to use the parameters saved on the chip instead of a rewrite on it the ones of the YAML config. I can't understand if the 2 antennas are communicating and when I see the echo of the rostopic /ublox/fix the status is always 0 instead of 2 (ground-based augmentation). How can I see there is a connection and then maximize the accuracy of the rover with the base positioned in a fixed position?

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