What is interactive_marker_twist_server package?
I came across interactive_marker_twist_server
package while going through the control.launch
file inside the husky_control
I am trying to understand the purpose served by this package. I went through the ROS Wiki as well. It says the following-
The purpose of this package is to provide a basic generic marker server for teleoperation of twist-based robots, particularly simple differential drive bases. Examples of such platforms include TurtleBot, Husky, and Kingfisher.
However, I don't really understand what that means.
Asked by skpro19 on 2021-01-28 01:47:25 UTC
In robotics, a twist is a 6x1 column vector of linear and angular velocities. In ROS, this is implemented as a Twist message, which you can see for yourself by entering the following in a terminal:
rosmsg show geometry_msgs/Twist
An interactive marker is another ROS tool to interface with robots through rviz. You can drag around this marker, and generally a robot will try to follow it. The server you mentioned publishes twists (velocity commands) to get to the interactive marker pose (position command).
Here is the source code, and here is a video I found of someone using it to drive their robot. Note that this server is configured to work with differential-wheeled (AKA tank-drive or skid-steer) robots.
Asked by makr on 2021-01-28 16:19:05 UTC