LaserScan can not go out from callback function

asked 2021-01-24 08:34:05 -0500

UchihaMadara gravatar image

I have callback function and it checks distance between obstacle. But I want to do other things after robot stops. I can not kill callback function after 'else' condition. I've tried break,quit,exit,return and even working with threads but I can not solve it. Can someone help me please thanks. Here is the function:

def Moveuntilobstacle():

move = Twist()
move.angular.z= 0.0

def callback(msg):

    if msg.ranges[135] > 0.5: 
        move.linear.x = 2
        move.angular.z = 0.0
        move.linear.x = 0.0
        move.angular.z = 0.0
    pub. publish(move)

rospy.init_node('walker1', anonymous= True)
rospy.Subscriber(nodename+' /base_scan', LaserScan, callback)
rospy.Publisher(nodename+'/cmd_vel', Twist, queue size = 10)

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Is the callback function being called? If not, it is recommended to print in the callback function to check.

miura gravatar image miura  ( 2021-01-25 09:05:46 -0500 )edit