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Uable to control the turtlebot3 in gazebo simulation environment using teleop_key

I am running turtlebot 3 in ros-noetic and trying to simulate the bot in a gazebo environment eg: roslaunch turtlebot3gazebo turtlebot3world.launch. I am able to see the terminal opening with the instructions on the keys to press for the robot motion but when i give the commands in the terminal through the keyboard press I cannot see the same getting reflected in the gazebo simulation ground. Can anyone help me on how to proceed ?. As of now I am trying to create a ros bag file and record the data after which my aim is to produce a map using cartographer and gmapping SLAM algorithms.

Any help in this regard will be very much appreciated.

thanks Vignesh

Asked by Vignesh_93 on 2020-12-20 18:23:52 UTC



Is due to my issue with the mac system. If I run it on a different machine, it works.

Looks like this is due to my mac mini system. So I will close this one

Asked by Vignesh_93 on 2020-12-25 10:38:39 UTC
