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How to output imu_complementary_filter to rviz

Hi, I'm a Japanese who just started learning about ROS. Please forgive my limited English.

I am trying to display orientation results on Rviz by filtering imufiltermadgwick and imucomplemetaryfilter on a 9-axis IMU sensor.

For imufiltermadgwick, we succeeded in outputting the orientation result on Rviz, but we could not output the orientation result of imucomplementaryfilter in the same way.

So, could you please tell me how to use my imucomplementaryfilter and how to use rviz incorrectly?

▲Environment used, sensor,github

OS: Ubuntu 18.04






▲ Execution Procedure

$ roslaunch rt_usb_9axisimu_driver rt_usb_9axisimu_driver.launch
$ rosrun imu_complementary_filter complementary_filter_node
$ rosrun tf static_transform_publisher 0 0 0 0 0 0 map frame 100
$ rviz

Then, add "TF" in Rviz and change "Fixed Frame" to "imu_link" or "odom" to display the result of posture estimation in Rviz. However

$rosrun imu_complementary_filter complementary_filter_node

If you use complementary_filter instead of madgwickfilter, you will get only "map" and "frame" in Fixed Frame, and you cannot check the orientation even if you add TF and so on.

Should I change the settings of Rviz and imu_tools to the following?

Thank you for reading.

Asked by Eimymk2 on 2020-12-15 00:40:11 UTC

