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How to run and generate a map using cartographer on my own rosbag?

Hello I am trying run cartographer on my own rosbags (three different ros bags for three different sensors, like laser, wheel encoder and odom data). The ros bag was generated in a lab environment and simple map was generated using the gmapping. With the same ros bags, I want to generate a map using the cartographer and compare both them. I am able to run the ros bags with some warnings and able to see rviz spawning at the back but not understanding how to generate a map. Can anyone help me ?


Asked by Vignesh_93 on 2020-12-14 17:42:17 UTC



Sorry !! found the soultion. Added a static transform broadcaster along with some alteration to the odom and imu sampling ratio to suit the one with which the rosbag was recorded

Asked by Vignesh_93 on 2021-01-28 11:54:35 UTC
